Pole, Passion, and a Bit of a Faceplant: My 10-Year Journey 💃

How I Accidentally Fell in Love with Pole Fitness🤷‍♀️

Although my pole journey spans nearly 10 years, I’m the first to admit that I am by no means a pole expert. But what I have learned along the way is that pole fitness isn’t about being perfect; it’s about the journey itself—growth, strength, and confidence.

It all started around 13 years ago, when a friend of mine persistently begged me to join a pole fitness class. I was reluctant, to say the least. After much persuasion, I agreed, and we signed up for an eight-week course. Now, being someone who always looks for the best deal (I’ll admit it), I decided it was cheaper to pay for the full course upfront rather than in instalments. However, my friend didn’t quite share my commitment to bargain-hunting. The first class was daunting. We learned a routine, which each week we’d build on, but by week two, my friend twinged her shoulder. By week three, she decided she’d had enough. But I had already paid for the whole course—there was no way I was letting that money go to waste. So, I carried on, alone. Well, not entirely alone, as there were other women in my class, but still.

Making Pole Buddies and Loving Every Spin 🤗

At the end of the eight weeks, I had enjoyed it more than I anticipated. But with the studio being an hour’s drive away, I decided not to return. Around the same time, I began looking for nanny roles.

I ended up securing a position in Essex, looking after two autistic boys. The boys were amazing, and their dad was a good guy, but the mum was an absolute nightmare. After six months, I decided it was time to move on and find something closer to home. That’s when I found a new role in Kent. Once I settled into my new life, I realised I had no friends in the area. So, after some time, I decided to look for a pole studio locally—and I found one. I emailed the owner and booked myself in for an introductory lesson.

It was in that first class that I met my longest-serving pole bestie. We’ve remained close friends ever since, even though I’ve changed studios and she’s stepped away from pole to focus on having babies. That first class hooked me, and I knew I was in it for the long haul. I booked onto the next course, where I learned basic moves and climbed through the levels. I became obsessed with building strength. When the studio began offering a second class each week, I signed up straight away. I loved everything about it—the classes, the people, and most importantly, the confidence it gave me in my own body.

Aerial Hoop & Silks: My New Obsession (Until I Faceplanted) 😱

A few years later, the studio managed to secure its own premises, which allowed us to expand into other aerial fitness activities. I started attending Aerial Hoop and Aerial Silks. Silks quickly became my obsession—it made me stronger than I had ever been. But one day, while in a class, I attempted a drop… but it went wrong. I fell about 6 feet, landing on the crash mats, but my face hit the floor. My nose was broken, I had two black eyes, and I felt completely deflated. I haven’t touched the silks since. I lost my confidence and decided to focus on hoop and pole instead.

Pandemic Pause: Pole Dreams Put on Hold ⏸️

Then came 2020. The year we all know far too well. Pole and hoop classes were put on hold for an entire year.

Once the pandemic restrictions lifted, I returned to aerial fitness—but this time, I chose to focus solely on Hoop. I felt that I had probably lost all my strength from pole, and I didn’t want to face the disappointment of not being able to do everything I used to. Plus, I had moved away from my previous studio, so I started looking for a more local class. I found one, but unfortunately, the vibe just wasn’t the same. The energy was off, and I quickly became bored.

Rebuilding My Confidence: The Pole Comeback 💖

When my relationship came to an end, I found myself spiralling into a low period. I didn’t want to do hoop anymore; I just wasn’t myself. I needed to regain my confidence, so I reached out to my old instructor, who now taught at a studio just down the road from me. I returned, and it felt like coming home. The positivity, the support, the friendships—I was back where I belonged.

Strong Again? The Road to Rebuilding (Spoiler: It’s a journey!) 🔄

Now, I’ll admit, I’m not as strong as I once was. I’ve got a long way to go to rebuild my strength, but I’m on my way. I’m currently attending a pole class and a conditioning class each week, and in a few months, I plan to add another class to the mix. So, watch this space! I might not be the strongest or the fittest I’ve ever been, but I’m happy, supported, and that’s where I need to be.

Megan x

Real Life, Real Stories, Real Me